As a stream flows forth into dry land giving life to everything it touches, we strive to give life to souls so that a positive effect can be felt not only by the individuals themselves, but may ripple out into the society as a whole.


To  create a platform where one aims to find their intrinsic purpose by following that inner voice that unites all humanity


To embrace shared values and an open culture, we collaborate with like-minded individuals, communities, organizations/institutions, and companies to develop services that satisfy consumer needs and preferences.

What we do

Mentorship Sessions

We engage in the development of minds through personalised mentorship sessions. We connect students with experienced professionals who guide them with valuable insights to help them reach their goals. These sessions are designed to be collaborative where they gain knowledge, build confidence, and advance their skills.

Social Engagements

We believe in building a stronger community, one person at a time. We aim to provide support and resources to individuals, families, and groups in marginalised areas facing challenges. Through empowerment, advocacy, and collaboration, we work to improve well-being and create lasting positive change.  

Visits & Donations

Experience the impact firsthand! We welcome visitors to see our work in action and learn more about the cause we’re passionate about. Your generous donations, big or small, directly fuel our mission. Schedule a visit today to connect with our community, and consider making a contribution in kind to help us continue making a difference.

Our Engagements


NEDA is a product of a shared dream which ensures the holistic development of an individual. The project is a consortium of experts, bringing together a wide pool of experiences in the different facets of education, psychology, child development, project management, and business acumen. We embrace shared values and an open culture where we work with like-minded individuals, communities, organizations/institutions, and companies to come up with services that satisfy consumer needs and preferences.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

– Mother Teresa

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

Nelson Mandela

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill


NEDA as an acronym stands for:

N- Nature vs Nurture: are you able to embrace your authentic nature in terms of weakness and strengths to nurture your character?

E- Education vs Enlightenment: Education is what you learn in school, while enlightenment comes from sincerity, integrity, and experiences, both from within yourself and from others. Can you combine what you learn in school with your life experiences to become enlightened?

D- Dream vs Doing: the ultimate dream for every individual is a state of nirvana, where there is complete enjoyment and satisfaction. However, you cannot obtain the dream in this world without putting the right strategic actions in place to achieve your ultimate goal.

A- Ability vs Attitude: Ability is what you can do currently, but if you have the wrong attitude, your skill set will not assist. How can you integrate the right ability with the right attitude to realize your full potential?

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